Save Your Skin – The Health Benefits of Window Tinting

No one likes to be shut off from a beautiful, sunny day. That’s why there are sun roofs, sun rooms and all types of windows made for the sole purpose of enjoying natural light while you are inside.

But just as when you are in the outdoors, prolonged exposure to dangerous UV rays through windows can damage your skin, just as it can cause flooring and furnishings to fade. Frequent drivers have been found to have rougher skin with greater damage on the driver’s side, caused by UV rays coming in through the driver-side windows. Having car windows tinted can prevent these effects by blocking dangerous UV rays.

Window tinting has been used on automobiles for years, and commercial and residential spaces are beginning to catch on to the benefits it provides. High-quality window film acts like sunscreen for your home, blocking up to 99.9% of UV rays. By reducing daily UV exposure, tinted windows prevent sunburn and premature aging, and lower the risk of skin cancer. Window film also helps to protect individuals with diseases involving photosensitivity, such as lupus.

Residential and commercial window film comes in flat sheets with various levels of tint. You can purchase a more darkly tinted window film that will reflect light at a higher rate, or nearly clear tint that a passerby wouldn’t even notice. You will still enjoy the beautiful views and natural light that untreated windows provide, but your skin and furniture will be protected.

Purchasing window tint is a smart choice for many obvious reasons, such as lower power bills and greater comfort. What makes it an even better choice is its ability to protect your skin and your belongings from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays.

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