Residential Window Tint: An Affordable Solution

In the present world, there is nothing more important than conserving energy. With inflation on a steady rise and non-renewable energy becoming scarcer by the day, converting your home into a green home is vitally important because you save energy bills as well as the environment. One small step that you can take in this direction is to install window film on the windows of your home. Read on below to know more on how residential window tinting can help reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

Block sunrays

Modern window films are equipped to block up to 99 percent UV rays. Since these rays are majorly responsible for heating up the interiors of your home, installing film can prevent heat and subsequently, reduce your air conditioning bills. In addition to blocking these rays, window film also help in reflecting infrared and visible rays. The more these rays are reflected, more is the energy saved. By using films that block all the three kind of rays effectively, you can reduce heat in the interiors of your home by 80 percent.

As of now, these high performance window films are used for residential tinting and tinting commercial windows. For homes, ceramic films with up to 70% percent heat rejection capability are used. However, since the last few years have been characterized by extreme climate conditions, people have begun to install high performance window film for the windows and skylights of their homes.

Factors that influence performance of window film

The performance of residential window tinting depends on several factors including positioning and angle of windows, type of glass used for windows, cross ventilation facility in the house and several others. For optimum performance, all the windows of your home should be tinted. Since installing high performance window film on all windows can be expensive, you can choose films of different reflective capacities based on the orientation of windows in your home.
For example, windows located in the southern, western and eastern direction receive the full brunt of hot morning, afternoon and evening sunrays. So, install high performance films for these windows and skylights. Similarly, wall openings that are not exposed to hot sun can be tinted using low performance tints. Additionally, since rooms located on the ground floor of homes are cooler than the ones on the upper floors, you can restrict high performance films to the upper floors.

Tinting does not compromise aesthetics of a home

Many people do not opt for residential window tinting fearing reduction in the aesthetic appeal of the house. Such worries are unfounded because of the new ceramic technology.  Ceramic films are the newest trend in the window film industry because they block a significant amount of heat while giving you the clearest views and not changing the aesthetics of your home.

In order to minimize expenses on tinting without compromising on energy savings, you should consult a professional residential window tinting company. The experts visit your property or measure the windows, and consult you on the best films available for the given situation along with an estimate. You can choose an efficient service that offers estimates suitable to your budget.

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