Money Saving Benefits of Residential Window Tinting

Are you having to run your air conditioner more in the summer months than you would like? This may be because your windows aren’t properly tinted. Yes, you read that correctly.

Windows that allow too much light to pass through your home’s windows can drive up electricity and heating bills and increase the amount of unsightly glare in your home. When you install a layer of film to your home’s windows, however, you can lower the heat build-up in the summer months and lower heating costs in the winter months.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) put out a recent study showing that one-third of a home’s energy expenses and utility bills are spent on compensating for heat loss in the colder months and heat gain in the warmer months. Over thirty percent!

This means that if you as a homeowner can regulate the amount of glare and UV light that enters your home – which you can through installing residential window tinting or DIY film to your windows – you can save potentially hundreds or even thousands of dollars throughout the year.

Reducing the amount of glare can also make it easier to watch your television or cruise the net on your computer. The conveniences and energy savings that can come from a relatively simple and economical change to your windows can save a lot of money down the road.

Installing a residential window film has also been shown to protect against shattered glass and damage caused by ultraviolet radiation in addition to increasing your comfort and lowering heat gain in warmer weather.

Some homeowners want these energy-efficiency benefits but they also want to increase their privacy at the same time. Fortunately, some DIY window tint or film comes in a sandblasted, off-white color to ensure your privacy while letting just the right amount of light into your home.

You might want to use a white window tint when you’re looking to get all the benefits of window film listed above and still maintain the privacy of the room. White window tint is therefore an excellent choice for office buildings or bathroom. A white window tint often gives a frosted-over appearance, which is both aesthetically pleasing and discreet.

The same benefits of increased comfort, lower utility bills and significantly lower glare apply to white window tint. According to 3M, white or sandblasted glass can lend an open feel to rooms in which space is at a premium.

A white window film can even be a step-up aesthetically from a regular plate glass window. So, with white window tint you would be getting more privacy, greater aesthetics and possibility even less glare and heat gain throughout the year!

Going with sandblasted windows with a white tint is a shortcut to slicing your energy bills by an estimated thirty percent while ensuring that each room in your home stays roughly the same temperature and glare-free no matter what.

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