How Home Window Tint Is Beneficial

Choosing to install home window tinting film can provide several significant benefits for home improvement. Homes with film tinted windows can save as much as 35 percent on annual cooling costs. Furniture and carpeting are exposed to less UV light, so they fade less over time, retaining their full rich color longer. Rather than spending a lot of money on tinted windows, home renovators can gain the same effect by using window tinting film.

Tinted film reduces the amount of light that is allowed to transmit through windows. The largest benefit is in savings on energy costs, but enhanced privacy and reduced glare are other reasons that decorators cite for using window film. There are quite a few manufacturers offering numerous options for homeowners to customize their choices to their own specific needs.

The amount of tint ranges from almost clear to those which allow only about 35 percent of light to enter. By reflecting heat, tinted films keep the indoors cooler, reducing energy costs. Even the clear films are able to do this because the material of which they are composed reflects a high proportion of infrared light. The maximum amount of heat reduction that window tinting can provide is about 80 percent.

The insulating properties of window film are less effective in cold weather, but some manufacturers do produce films designed for colder climates. Darker tints provide increased privacy and maximum glare reduction, too. Many homeowners appreciate these factors and choose to use tinted films with them in mind. Films are available that provide privacy during the day but allow for visibility out at night.
North facing windows receive little light, so they may not need to be tinted, unless privacy concerns or the desire for a uniform look is important. South facing windows may get full sun all day, if there are no shade trees, awnings, or other buildings to block it. The most significant energy savings are gained by covering south facing windows. East and west facing windows , receiving partial sun throughout the day, will also contribute to reduced energy costs when covered in film, especially if they are large or numerous.

Special types of window films are available which enhance safety and security by adding a structural mesh. It keeps shattered glass from flying in the event of severe weather, and is a deterrent to criminals who smash windows to gain entry. This type of film is available tinted or clear, and in a range of densities for increasing levels of protection.

Both professional installation and do-it-yourself films are available. Installation can be tricky, but with a bit of attention to detail and careful following of the instructions it is relatively simple. Proper installation is essential to long life, with no peeling or puckering of the film over time.

Textured films, including linen-look and frosted styles, add a dash of style along with all the other benefits of home window tinting film. It is easier and less expensive than replacing windows. Homeowners looking to save on their energy costs should consider installing window tinting film.

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