Home Window Tinting For Your Residence

Home window tinting is especially popular for residences in desert climates or those that have high temperatures and intense sunlight in the summer months. This is actually a film which is installed to curtail ultraviolet, infrared and visible light rays. Some products can block up to 90% of the damaging UV rays. These films are sometimes comprised of dyes or a transparent metal. Windows can actually be purchased with these reflective dyes and properties built in for a slightly higher cost of 10 to 20% more than a standard pane of glass. The utility bill savings can be substantial, however. Estimates are that a homeowner can cut energy usage by nearly half. This can really add up over time. Here are some ideas to consider:

– Direct sunlight can be bad for inhabitants’ health: While some sunrays are good for humans and provide Vitamin D and other health benefits, too much is harmful. Skin cancer has become rampant over the years. This type of carcinoma may be basal, squamous or melanoma. Basal is the least dangerous but still must be addressed by freezing or burning off the cancerous lesions. Squamous is the second most devastating and can spread to other bodily systems fairly rapidly so must be removed as soon as possible by surgical means, freezing or burning it off. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and can be deadly as it has the highest rate of spreading to other bodily systems and organs.

– Protects furnishings and carpets from fading: Direct sunlight can fade carpets, curtains, drapes and furnishings. Many homeowners who have sofas, overstuffed chairs, bedspreads and other fabrics in the line of direct rays have problems with fading and breaking down of fabrics. With window tinting, the fabrics, drapes, carpeting, curtains and furniture will remain vibrantly colored for a longer period of time.

– Save money by tinting windows: Homeowners can not only cut down energy usage and trim utility bills; they can also qualify for a tax credit for installing these eco-friendly products. Because heat won’t be bearing down on the interior, it won’t cost as much to cool the rooms with air conditioning. Being able to get a tax break from Uncle Sam is a bonus, for sure.

– Good for the planet: Anything that saves energy is good for the planet. That’s because it reduces fossil fuel consumption and a household’s carbon footprint. Most earthlings realize that natural resources are in limited supply and everyone who uses less electricity or gas is doing their part.

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