Do it Yourself Precut Window Tints

Install tinted windows on your car, but you are not sure where to begin. You are probably asking yourself, ‘What tools do I need? How long will it take? What if it does not look good in the end?’ These are all legitimate concerns, but they should not keep you from attempting a great project on your own. Try the following steps to ensure an easy, low-maintenance tint installation.

You want to install tinted windows on your car, but you are not sure where to begin. You are probably asking yourself, ‘What tools do I need? How long will it take? What if it does not look good in the end?’ Well, you have come to the right place. These are all legitimate concerns, but they should not keep you from attempting a great project on your own. Try the following steps to ensure an easy, low-maintenance tint installation.

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with your local and state laws regarding window tint. Surely you do not want to start a project that could potentially get you into legal trouble.

To begin, you will need a few essential tools: tint film, durable paper such as nylon, a squeegee, and razor blades. The odds are good that you have all but the tint film at home already, saving you extra money. With all your tools in hand, you are ready to get started.

First, thoroughly clean the windows, making sure to leave no residue or streaks behind. Any household glass cleaner will do the trick. You will want as much light to shine through the windows as possible during the installation process.Once the windows are miraculously clean, you will need to outline them with the durable paper material. Using the razor blades, cut the paper to fit the window’s shape. Take note of any imperfections in the window that might make placing the tint film more difficult.

Next, using the outlines you just effortlessly made cut the tint film with the razor blades. Take your time with this step: you want a smooth, flawless film to apply to your window. The extra patience is worth it.

Now, with your trusty squeegee, you are ready to apply the tint film. Starting from the bottom, carefully place the film on the window for which it was cut. Work your way up the window with the squeegee to help remove any air pockets.

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