Window Tinting: Commercial Benefits

The misconception that window tinting is only for cars could not be further from the truth. Window tinting can be done in the home as well as office buildings. Commercial tinting comes with many benefits and is very cost-effective way to modify a building.

Some key benefits include:

Security & Privacy

Some businesses require more security than others; however, even customers sitting in a café will enjoy the privacy that tinted windows can provide. Banks and other financial institutions especially could benefit from the increased security, as well as places where people seek help or visit for personal reasons, such as a doctor’s office or clinic. A patient may feel more at ease knowing that tinted windows are shielding him or her from outside eyes. Furthermore, window film offers protection against crime, vandalism, and severe weather. In the event of a storm or break-in, the film can hold together broken panes of glass, preventing injury and deterring crime.

Aesthetic Appeal

Window film can also improve the appearance of the building. Rather than let the outside world get a glimpse of cluttered offices and half-drawn blinds, tinted windows present a sleek, unified look. Customers and staff inside the building will still be able to enjoy the outside view, and businesses won’t have to worry about customers seeing inside personal offices or storerooms.

Film can be used to improve appearance inside an office as well. Many conference rooms have glass walls or separation panels; window film is a good way to add both style and privacy to these areas. Window film can also be used in commercial buildings to convincingly imitate the appearance of etched glass at a much lower cost, perfect for adding your company logo to a window or glass door.

Energy Savings

Window film can substantially reduce energy costs in older buildings without the hassle or expense of replacing windows. It is a very cost-efficient way to keep the sun at bay, and can block up to 80 percent of solar heat. Employees will enjoy the added comfort during the hot summer months, and you will enjoy the lower energy bills. With such a great ROI in energy savings, property owners may recover the expense of installation within a couple years.

Tinting is a great solution for property owners looking to save. Customers and staff will enjoy the added benefits that tinting brings and, when you consider the energy savings, the project will pay for itself over time. With the sophisticated look of tinted glass, window tinting is the most affordable way to make an office look professional and sleek from the inside out.

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