Why Should You Tint Your Windows

Windows add elegance, light and uniqueness to any business venue or home. On the other hand, window panes not only facilitate the loss of heat in the winter and the opposite in the summer, but they also tend to be unsightly. A much better solution is to go for professional window tinting, which is like sunscreen for windows, and can make windows look more beautiful.

Depending on your goals as a business owner or homeowner, you can evaluate the value of window tints on numerous different criteria. You may gain more heat reduction from one window frame, while you may gain more privacy from another window film. There are many qualities that make window tints beneficial.

If you are still not convinced that window tints are for you, whether you are a business owner or home owner, then here are some distinct benefits oftinting depending on your specific needs.

Commercial Window Tinting

Depending on when and where the sun strikes windows in your business venue, different areas of the building may have inconsistent cold and hot spots. It is likely that you are paying higher energy costs as a result of undue adjustments caused to the HVAC system by these cold and hot spots. Solar heat gain can be controlled with the help of window film as a result of which indoor temperatures will be balanced.

Commercial window film shade can be selected so that the exterior design of your business venue is complimented. Not only will the overall aesthetic look of the building be improved this way, the value of the building will also be raised.

  • Increase Productivity: Your employees will gain a more pleasant working environment if window film is applied, which will increase their productivity.
  • Increased Structure Safety: Through commercial window tinting, flying objects can be prevented from penetrating windows during hurricanes and tornadoes, while hazard of flying glass can be reduced during earthquakes.
  • Human Threat Protection: There are also safety films that you can apply to the windows of your office building. This way, thieves and vandals will be deterred since glass is held together by these films as a result of which easy entry is prevented.
  • Flooring: Color loss and premature deterioration of carpets, wood floors and woven rugs that is caused by solar energy can also be prevented if window tints are applied, which will save you money in the long run.

Artwork & Fabrics: If you have artwork, fabrics and signage in your business venue, significant protection from discoloration and fading will also be provided by glass films.

Residential Window Tinting

By getting window films applied to your household windows, 80% of the energy from the sun will not enter your house, which means that your house will remain cooler during the summer. During the winter, heat loss through the windows can be eliminated by using “low-e” films. Even if you have to change films for the two seasons, they will ultimately pay for themselves within a couple of years. This also means that the life of your HVAC system will also be extended.

You can gain far more privacy through window tinting. Special security films are also available that you can apply to make your window hard to break, thus protecting your family and home.

With decorative window films, now you can even turn any window in your home into a work of art. In fact, you can even use these films on the windows in your business venue or office. These films are generally available in various colors, frosts, patterns and textures, so color and warmth will be easily added to your business or living area. Now, the personality of your office building or room will be graphically accented by the windows.

  • Windows: With tinting, blinding light can be avoided that makes it necessary to draw the blinds and ruins the view. A window film will offer a distinct visual effect that will make your rooms look great.
  • Flooring: Your plush carpeting, wood floors and woven rugs will be shielded from solar energy that can cause color loss and premature deterioration if you apply films on your window.
  • Fabrics: Considering protection from fabric discoloration and fading will be offered by glass tint, since heat transmissions from the sun, along with ultraviolet and visable light will be controlled.


As you must have realized by now, it does not matter whether you are a business owner or a homeowner,window tinting can prove to be equally beneficial for you.

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