Commercial Window Tint: Energy Savings

Commercial window tinting can offer many benefits including UV protection, solar heat reduction and improved privacy and safety. Commercial is made of heavy gauge plastic and is professionally applied to the interior glass windows and doors of a building.

UV light is one of the number one causes of skin cancer and it also degrades what ever it focuses on over a period of time such as curtains or furniture over time. It protects against UV lighting allows natural sunlight to continue to penetrate without the harmful benefits of UV rays. In many ways window tinting provides the same protection to a building as sunglasses do to a person.

Another big advantage to window tinting any building is the impact on solar heat reduction. For climates that are hot such as the Sun Belt this can mean lower power bills to cool a building since less cool air is escaping and less hot air is penetrating through the windows. For colder climates this can mean warm air is working more effectively to stay inside the building and not escaping into the cold, which can also make a huge impact on the power bill.

Finally one of the benefits to tinted windows is privacy and security. Windows can be tinted to offer a clear view out but not in which can be desirable for businesses that don’t want their employees working in a fishbowl or companies that just want to maintain some overall sense of privacy for other reasons.

One of the best features of tinting however is the safety features that tinting can provide. Commercial window tinting can improve the integrity of the glass against an unexpected impact such as a bomb blast. While the windows will still shatter from such an event the glass shards will not explode in or out and the potential for harm to persons in or around such a blast can be limited by the containment of glass shards which often are as deadly as a blast. Government buildings and buildings that contain tenants that may be at risk for such attacks can benefit from the use of window tinting for protection.

In order to be applied successfully, window tinting should be applied by a professional who has been trained in the proper application process. The process is not as easy as the professionals make it look and when applied incorrectly is obvious. Window tinting needs to be cut precisely and applied carefully in order to look like it is part of the window. Applied incorrectly and the integrity and appearance of the tinting is lost. Air bubbles and uneven lines can be the mark of an armature job and reflect poorly on the commercial establishment that they are showcased on.

If you are considering the benefits of window tinting be sure to have it done professionally for the best results.

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