Commercial Window Tint: A Way to Make Your Office Building More Unique

Window films help in controlling the temperature levels at offices and cabins by regulating the heat seeping through windows. Installation of these protective sheaths can help in saving your office interiors from the harmful effects of sunlight. Also, they can help you to work without getting disturbed by the strong glare of the sun rays.

Window films are generally applied on glass surfaces to decrease the amount of infrared or UV radiation from entering a room. Usually such sheaths are dyed in order to transform solar radiation to infrared radiation. This infrared radiation is rejected by the glass surface to the exteriors. Studies show that window tints can reduce solar interference to an extent of 30 to 50%.

Low E films are the ones that help in keeping the solar heat away from the house. They are designed as such to provide heat during winter season. These types of coats also help in decreasing amount of UV and visible radiation entering a window. This can be of great help to prevent the fading effect on your office interior contents. Spectrally selective sheaths serve the same purpose by blocking some wavelengths of the infrared radiation that comes from the sun.

Switchable films are the ones that can be swapped from opaque to clear. When in opaque state, such coats can make a window suitable to be used as a projection screen that is viewable from both the sides.

Security films are designed to prevent a glass from shattering. This type of protective sheath is of immense importance in corporate buildings as they are capable of providing strong security from outside agents. They are manufactured from heavy-gauge plastic material. They can uphold the reliability of a glass surface by preventing fragmentation.

Privacy films are another type of protective window coat that is used widely in commercial buildings. They are greatly helpful in reducing visibility through the glass. Such films can be silvered to offer an obstructed view from an angle that has low light. It may also be frosted, imparting a translucent effect on a glass surface.

You must decide a type of film, depending on your requirements. Type of window, its placement on the wall, thickness of the glass, and size of the pane – all are important parameters while you are choosing a type for commercial purposes.

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